Setting a proper schedule to complete your master’s thesis on time is extremely important. Writing a master’s thesis is a complicated and time consuming task. You have to draw on all of the things that you have learned over the years in your studies. It is designed to make you think about a subject a little different than you may have in the past.
Your master’s thesis is one that will be used as a resource for future generations. It is designed to add knowledge to the human race and to encourage you to leave your mark through your writing. Therefore, it is designed to push you beyond the boundaries that you have already established for yourself.
Your master’s thesis will probably take you the entire last year of schooling to complete. If you set a proper schedule for yourself, you will not have to worry about spending countless hours trying to throw something together at the last minute. Chances are you will never be able to complete this assignment in a few days even if you spent every waking moment writing it.
If you stick to your schedule, you should have no problem getting your paper done in time. Set an hour or two a day aside to work on your paper or maybe a few hours every week. Be sure to spend at least some time on it every week so that you don’t fall to far behind. | Practical guides for dissertation&thesis writers